Monday, March 19, 2012

ISU Career Fair

February 14th, normally I would not have gone to the Career Fair by myself or just for the heck of it, but I was required to go for my Psychology course. Since I was required to be there my mind was wandering elsewhere throughout my time spent at the Fair; I was mostly thinking about how I should still be sleeping on this Tuesday morning.  Being a freshman I had never been to a Career Fair at ISU, so this was a new experience and to be brutally honest, I was nervous and scared that I would not survive. When I arrived I felt under dressed even though I was already wearing my best pair of khakis and a red dress shirt. I was observing everyone else and all I saw was guys wearing suits with their résumés in hand and even some girls wearing suits as well. As I walked into the Brown Ballroom all the companies were lined up in rows. Every time I walked down a row of companies it felt like I was on my death march. Every representative was looking at me and I felt as though I was unwanted. None of the companies were looking for students in psychology and I stuck out like a sore thumb since I was not wearing a black suit. 
                I did not want to meet with any of the companies at the Fair, but I had to meet with at least three. I wanted to do the bare minimum and just get the hell out of there and get on with my regular daily routine. I conversed with three company representatives and I got the same feedback from them all, “It’s good to talk to companies as a freshman and get my face known by them.” In the end, I realized that this was wonderful practice for me because I got experience meeting with companies and having mini interviews. 

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