Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it was love at first curl

Over the past couple weeks of being
an isu redbird, I have vanished to the gym or as they call it here the
recreational facility. I was quite skeptical at first; being a member of a 24
hour gym in my home town I wasn’t expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised
when I arrived at the newly renovated fitness center. I noticed right away it
had a lot more than I expected. There are Hundreds of cardiovascular machines,
a rock climbing wall, a pool, an indoor track, as well as an indoor pool. Then I
saw a section dedicated to purely lifting, and then I grinned ear from ear. But
everything has its cons as well. My issues with the gym were that the highest dumbbell
was only 120 pounds. Also its always very
crowded, and very overwhelming when you’re trying to get relaxing. As well as
in the afternoon the sun pours in to the room through huge windows causing it
to be very distracting and overbearingly hot. But my overall perception of the
gym is very good. I found it to be very friendly and convenient. Also the fact
that it has a Jamba juice gives huge bonus points. The staff is very professional,
and the keep the place very clean and organized. Also at any time you can
request spots, or just ask one of the friendly students there for assistance.
There a series of fitness classes you can take if you like the group ethic or
just ask a trainer for a few pointers if you prefer to be alone. Another good surprise
was that they have a punching bag and a speed bag to use for endurance.

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