Thursday, September 22, 2011

Up Up and Away!

We have all been on them and some of us fear them. Of course I’m talking about nothing other than elevators! It seems almost every day that we take them numerous times and we have all heard the stories about how people get trapped in them. The thing that concerns me more about elevators however is the awkward moment going up the elevator trapped in a quiet compact room with multiple strangers. You never know what that person is up too they could be drunk or have the flu and throw up on you, they could be having one of those gases days and just cut some fresh and wet cheese right on the elevator, or worst of all they could be a mysterious elevator murder and stab you with a knife on the elevator! Thankfully we don’t have an elevator murderer at ISU but considering how often we take the elevator we are more than likely going to experience one of these awkward moments. I experienced one of these awkward moments today when a small red headed girl walked into the elevator carrying a box that was almost bigger than her! This girl was very clumsy about carrying a box and kept on bumping into me and it is more awkward when you forced to be in this situation due to space restrictions. I’m sure that these awkward moments will just become more accepted later into the year and it will become a regular part of our everyday lives. Anyone else have awkward elevator stories similar to mine?

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