Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Flea in Her Ear. Brilliant

On Wednesday November ninth I attended a production of A Flea in Her Ear, written by Georges Feydeau in 1907. Feydeau set the play in Paris at the turn of the century, however in the production at ISU, the location is vague, and presumed to be in New York, because the characters seem rather American along with context from the dialogue. I believe this was done in order to make the classical play more appealing to a younger college audience. The play is a comedy, and the jokes were approached in an exaggerated fashion putting emphasis on every punchline, making me believe the play is a satire. The story evolves around a wife’s doubts of her Husband being unfaithful due to his recent infidelity. The play is classical, but has many different sexual references along with other humor that the audience it was written for would’ve been astonished. Illinois State on the the other hand laughed continuously to the play and was exubrent and enthusiastic with clapping at the sound of the raunchy jokes. Overall, I loved he play, and I would encourage students to check out an ISU production.

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