Monday, December 5, 2011

Women of Lockerbie

For our group blog Lori, Brendon, and I went to go see a play called The Women of Lockerbie at the Visual Arts building here on campus. After reading the introduction of the play, I felt obligated to watch the play because it is an emotional story about terrorism against U.S. citizens.

The terrorist attack in the story killed 270 people in total in a plan crash, and 177 of those people were Americans. This was a tragic event in American history and people should know this story to never forget the lives that died that day. This is how the play connects with my life. I feel very patriotic about our country, as I debated heavily about enlisting into the arms forces after
graduating high school, to help against terrorism. A lot of families and friends are hurt from
the loss of their loved ones in consequent from terrorists. Fortunately for me I have not experienced anything of this severity.

One dislike I had about the play was the stage was boring. I thought the little river on the stage made a nice touch but overall I felt that they could have added a lot more to the scenery. More color would be nice, but the setting of the story is in December so it would hard to achieve this.

Overall I thought the play was ok. It showed a little history delivered withgreat emotion. The actors did a sufficejob, especially with maybe not ever having the experience of lossing a child or family members and not being in thoses situations before.

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