Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Full Time

Being a full time student and a full time worker is harder than what many young adults can handle. While I am exhausted all the time trying to balance my school work and my job that keeps me there till ten at night, it takes all one’s concentration and determination to continue doing both at the same time. When you’re a full time student and worker you get no days off because you are either at school, work, or both never being able to be lazy or relax unless you are on break from school and the break from school lands on one of your days off or you request to have the day off, but when your job is demanding days you request off aren’t always allowed depending on the time of year and if other co-workers are already asking for the day off. Also when the holidays come around and teachers start assigning more homework and at work the hours start increasing, the stress level starts increasing and sometimes it can feel like its too much and some start to wonder if it is all worth it but you need work to pay your bills and you need school to get a better paying career to pay your bills and having that better paying career will also make life easier. But while doing all of this, I also have to juggle being in the military the monthly drills, the yearly 2 week long annual training that is during school and even though I do get paid for the drills and annual training. It doesn’t fix the fact that I have to catch up on 2 weeks of homework that I have missed. The only thing that keeps me going is my determination and the support from my friends and family.

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