Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Turkey Break!!

A whole 10 days off of school was well needed. Going home for Thanksgiving break was a great vacation for me. I could have left the Wednesday before break even began but I didn’t have a ride home at the time so those last couple days were dragged out. We had a floor meeting that Wednesday night before break and our RA informed us of everything we needed to make sure we did before we left. We had to unplug absolutely everything, pick everything up off the floor, take down “alcohol related posters” and throw away any food we had in our refrigerator. If you ask me the whole process was a huge pain but I was glad to get out of my dorm room for a week. I had intentions of seeing lots of friends during break, which is saw a few but for the most part I was worked every day. I was in desperate need for money so I was willing to put in as many hours as possible at the mall which was probably the worst/ most crowded place to be over break. I was thankful to get through Black Friday; my shift started at 4 am and didn’t end until 5 pm. Once I get my hands on that check all those long hours will be well worth it. It was good to be home with my family too, having home cooked meals, eating out, shopping, showering with no shoes on, and having a big bed to sleep in were the things I miss most about being home. Thanksgiving break was well needed overall, and I am defiantly looking forward to winter break in a couple weeks.

McCaskey Time!! Many things occurred while I was on Thanksgiving break from Illinois State University. I left the Friday before the break started. For me the break started off with a bang. The night I left my brothers Brian and Casey picked me up at five o’clock. That’s not why my break started off so greatly it was the fact that I went to a Tech N9ne concert that night in Normal and it was the best concert that I’ve seen up to date. The days after the concert weren’t as exciting but they were still fun. Friday and Saturday I had the house to myself because my parents went on a little cruise in Florida on the frigate that my brother Patrick assigned on. I did nothing Saturday but my parents came home around 7-8 P.M. Then on the Sunday after was a day of nothing but hunting with my pops. My dad and I went out two times that day from 7-11 and from 3-sunset. Sunset that day was at 4:36 if I remember correctly. Monday I went to a body shop and got some paint for my Jimmy but I never painted the chip on the hood at all that week and hung out with a friend that night. Tuesday night l went to wrestling practice for my alma mater high school and practiced/coached the current wrestlers and I went wrestling practices on Friday and Saturday nights. On Wednesday night with some friends and I had a birthday dinners for two people. My friend Tim’s birthday was that Wednesday and my birthday was on Thanksgiving. Thursday was not only Thanksgiving but my birthday, so no matter what it was going to be a good day. Also for dinner we almost had ham instead of turkey but I talked my parents into turkey and stuffing instead of ham and no stuffing. Sunday I didn’t return until around 9:30 at night and I wanted to come back as late as I could so I could have as long a break as I wanted.

Thanks giving break is a time to spend with your family and friends. The break is a weeklong which is longer than most schools break is. It’s weird being home after you away for a long time. When you see your friends even though you haven’t seen them for about three months you pick up right where you left off like you just saw them yesterday. Your parents are the happiest of all to see you. At the end of the break no one wants to leave but everyone has made new friends and has a new home in Normal Illinois. As more time passes your new home in Normal starts to feel more like your actual home more than your home town. Thanksgiving comes around and most people spend time with their extended family for me my aunt and uncle come along with 7 of my cousins including 2 babies. We all spend hours watching football and eating food and the traditional looking through the magazines looking for things to buy each other for Christmas. The break goes by faster than you think it will but when we get back to school we know that in only a few short weeks we will be away for college for a month. This transition will be weird because you will be saying goodbye to your new friends for a month. Everyone will be happy to see their family for another break.

By: Mike, Shawn, Gina

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