Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Time management; From The masters of Procrastination

At Illinois state University, and colleges around the nation, students are struck with the poisonous disease of procrastination. This procrastination starts with the students need to justify other events or occasion as more important than their college education. Now I’m not trying to act like I don’t justify, because I have a whole lot of experience in the expertise of procrastination. If you gave me something fun to do, I would say oh I’ll finish this blog post later. But no, not me. Not the new and improved ISU student. You see, I’ve learned valuable tips to cease the justifications. When you wake up in the morning don’t hit the snooze, your just going want to hit it again and again and again, beauty sleep is good but if you got some work to do, get it done and then go get pretty. Next, if you get an assignment, no matter when it is due, get a start on it that night so its done. Or at least you have a head start, because that date has a tendency to sneak up. And if you got a test in a weak, don’t wait until the weekend to go to the library, get a pal and go, because once friday hits the justifications are going to begin. Your going to want to go out friday, maybe even go to U of I or a near by college to visit friends on saturday, the bears are going to be playing sunday so I’m going to have to wait until night to start. Then whoop there it is. Class at 8 am with a giant fxam, oops I meant exam. Learn from whosever mistakes those were

So far this year at college one of the most reoccurring themes that I have been learning about is managing my time. Not going to lie I started off the year expecting to be able to get through college without ever studying just like I did in high school. I was wrong. Quickly after realizing this I decided I had to study, sometimes at least. I started off by only studying the day before at the last minute. This failed me to I was officially a professional procrastinator. I realized after checking my grades something had to change. It started the first time we had to meet in the library for English. After realizing it wasn?t so bad I tried going there a few times with my roommate. It was amazing how much more I could get done without being in a dorm. Now I go there multiple times before every test I have in order to study. Whether my friends are there or not its is just much easier to concentrate on my work. Since I began going to the library instead of procrastinating my grades have been on a steady incline and still rising.

If this first semester here at ISU has taught me anything it’s to MANAGE YOUR TIME WISELY. At first I thought I could wait till the night before to study for test but now I have learned to use my time wisely. Instead of watching a movie or TV three days before a test I now start filling out study guides and I do practice problems if it happens to be math class. I’ve also learned not to waste my time on studying thing I already know now I focus on the things that I struggle with so to use my time as best possible. Now that finals are coming near I have already begun preparing for them a week and a half in advance. First what I did was I filled out my study guides then I found out what I didn’t understand in each class and now I have set up a system for each class and I only study about two hours a night rather than 72 hours straight right before the final and it has allowed me to get much needed rest. Sleep for me personally is more important than even studying since sleep is what allows you to have energy the next day and if I don’t have any energy the day of the final I know for sure that I will more likely than not fail my test. So for me the best way to manage my time is to start studying a couple weeks ahead of time so that the week of the final I will not be sleep deprived.

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