Tuesday, October 18, 2011

From Stranger to Roommate to Best Friend...

After repeatedly denying a friend request from what I thought was a stranger, turned out to be my new best friend. Now I know we all get those random people who want to be our “friend” on Facebook, but this girl was repetitive! After numerously denying her, she finally messaged me telling me that I was her roommate! Her exact Facebook message:

“you're probably wondering whyyy im trying to add you.. well it says we're room mates at isu! but the thing is.. i already have a room mate.. and apparently at the last minute they changed it.. but i just wanted to talk to you about it and see if you would agree to switch with the girl. we're like best friends and have had this all planned out for a while now. If not thats ok too! just let me know :) thanks.”

Well since I couldn’t figure out how to find out who my roommate was, I was so happy when I got this message, but for only the first line! She didn’t even want to room with me! She told me she was going to call housing services and see if they could make a change. I was so upset, I finally find out who my roommate is and she doesn’t even want to room with me! And of course all my friends thought this was just hilarious…Well I didn’t! Eventually my “ex roommate” and I exchanged phone numbers and just started to talk. We talked about our families, our majors, high school, etc. I remember during one of our conversations she told me she called housing services and they said after the first ten days we could switch. So, I was like okay whatever, how do I find out who my real roommate is going to be?! Then one day me and her were talking and she said something like, “Do you want me or you to bring the fridge?” I was so confused I said, “Why does it matter if we won’t be rooming together anyways?” She replied, “I think we’re going to just end up rooming together.” I only think we ended up rooming together because she couldn’t really figure out the housing situation.

So now I finally had a roommate! Now, I have to admit I did creep on her Facebook a little bit, but didn’t everyone? I compared her pictures to mine and we seemed like two completely different people, which made me a little nervous, and yes I know the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” But who really listens to that anyways…

So, we kept talking and finally decided to actually meet up and go out to lunch. We met at Chipotle like a week before school started, and let me tell you it went great! We both had some of the same “values” I guess you’d say, and participated in the same activities. And, now I really couldn’t wait for the school year to start.
Since the school year has started, we have become so close, and plan on living with each other for the future. We are like the same person, and have so much fun with each other all the time. We haven’t gotten sick of each other either. Oh, and her “best friend”, well they aren’t friends anymore…

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