Friday, October 21, 2011

Illinois State University Homecoming 2k11

As a freshman in college homecoming was one
thing that I was definitely looking forward to, therefore I made sure that I
attended all the events they had to offer.
Starting my homecoming off right I went to the Homecoming Parade . There
I saw the Big Red Marching Band, many fraternities, sororities, and many of
dance troupes around campus. Even though this parade was early in the morning
it was worth watching. It was filled with fun, entertainment and the experience
to support many of the student organizations and many of my friends involved in
these organizations. This was only the start to my weekend. Later on that I
went tailgating with a few of my friends. Tailgating with ISU parents, alumni ,
fraternities and sororities was a great experience. The Big Red Marching Band
performed, giving us a sneak preview of the game performance. There was food,
drinks, music, and games. This was a great way to get me hyped and excited to
support my Redbirds in their defeat against South Dakota. The game was just as
exciting as previous events. With the Redbirds scoring in the first quarter and
playing with confidence to send us to a undeniable victory of 28-3, this year's
homecoming was starting off good and was sure to end great. After all that excitement
I needed a break but I wasn't done celebrating.
Around 7 pm fraternities andsororities held a step show in Braden Auditorium. There I watched sororitiesand fraternities compete for the title of being the best on campus. Dance
troupes on campus performed and we enjoyed music and entertainment from the
host and DJ. My day ended with a party at the Castle Theatre in downtown
Bloomington(see picture above). I enjoyed it with many of my friends on campus
and few of my friends from out of town. It was filled with music, dancing and a
good time. I could say that homecoming my freshman year was great and I look forward
to many more like this!

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