Thursday, October 20, 2011

So Far, So Good

Up to this point, my time here at college has been a unique experience. There has been so many adjustments that I have had to make that I wasn’t really expecting. However, one of the most influential things about your first year college experience is you’re roommate and I had quite an experience just to find my roommate in the first place. At first, I was a little cautious because I was supposed to room with one of my best friends from back home, but I was not able to because I didn’t get my housing information in on time. When I found that out, I was very nervous. At first, I was supposed to be in a quad with three other guys that I didn’t know for supplemental housing. Well, before that could even happen, I found out I got another new roommate. He was from Florida which seemed to be kind of cool. So just like any other kid would do these days, I looked him up instantly on Facebook. I typed in his full name, his hometown, everything… but had no luck. All I remember thinking to myself is, “I’m going to have a freak for a roommate. Awesome.”

As it turns out, he’s one of my new best friends. We get a long great and he’s a great guy. He’s also from the Philippines so he’s got a different perspective of things sometimes which makes our relationship that much better. All in all, it’s safe to say I lucked out.

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