Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homecoming 2011

This past weekend was homecoming at Illinois State University. I had never been to homecoming at a major university so I didn't know what to expect. I woke up at 8 a.m. because I was going to march in the parade. A Pike who graduated in 1998 was running for state senate and we were going to march with him to help promote his campaign. We went and met up with him at the end of the parade and the ten of us that were there were all given jobs. I was given the job of handing out nail files with his information on them to people watching the parade. It turned out to be a very fun job. One of my pledge brothers and myself made it into a game by trying to hand out the highest number of nail files. We had a great time walking in the parade even though it was pretty cold.

After the parade I went and met up with my dad and younger brother who had come down for the weekend. We went to his friend's tailgate and I got to meet a lot of alumni and current students here at ISU. There was lots of food to eat and many games set up to play. I had never been to a college tailgate but it proved to be a lot of fun. I had a brat and some ribs and they were extremely delicious. Everything about the tailgate was fun. I played bags and football and had a great time. I can't wait until Homecoming next year!

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