Monday, November 14, 2011

Bus Accidents Anyone?

Have you ever done something that you thought was so stupid, and were glad no one saw it? Well I and a friend of mine were walking back to his dorm to exchange his books and we were having a conversation not paying much attention to our surroundings. Our walk across campus went well until we were almost back to his dorm. We stopped at a crosswalk to allow the cars to pass and were still talking and not paying much attention. Well the last vehicle to pass was a school bus and my friend was not paying attention to the speed of the bus. He was paying more attention to what I was saying and the conversation we were having than he was to the bus. When we finally decided to cross the road the bus was almost past. My friend sadly almost misjudged the speed of the bus because it was going slower than he was walking. When he finally looked up to pay attention to where he was walking he almost walked face first into a moving bus. He jumped back out of the way surprised and laughing at what had just happened. After the incident with the bus he was relieved that I was the only one who saw even though I really could not say much because I was laughing so hard at the fact that he almost ran into a moving bus. I spent the rest of the evening subtly making fun of his incident. He will never be able to live down the fact that he paid so little attention that he almost hit a moving bus while walking back to his room.

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