Monday, November 28, 2011

I Love Food, But Hate Lines

I love food, but I hate waiting. That’s the trouble with the dining centers around campus. They have almost anything you could want if you get creative enough. Now I don’t know if this is true at all dining centers but at the Linkins Center in Tri once it gets past 6 pm it becomes an all-out free-for-all for food. It seems like everyone is in a race to eat as much as they can before all the good food comes out. Yesterday I was standing in a line the wrapped all the way around the dining center so I could wait to get 2 pieces of turkey and some stuffing. Don’t even get me started on trying to get something from the Mongolian grill when it’s the dinner rush, the wait takes at least 20 minutes so when you get your food, all of your friends are done eating already. In my opinion there’s three parts of the dining center in tri. There’s the relaxed side when you first walk in and where most people sit, and there’s also the exciting side that has all the TV’s and all the big booths. The last part is what I call the reject side because it’s got absolutely nothing by it. There’s barely any place to sit and it’s all just 4 or 2 person tables and when you sit there you really can’t see anything it’s like your cut off from the rest of the dining center. My new plan is to eat right after 5 which is when dinner starts. That way all of the food is fresh and new and I don’t have to wait in such a long line like I would if I showed up an hour later.


  1. I can definitely relate to this article, waiting in lines are awful especially when I am super hungry

  2. Never really had that problem at Watterson. I usually just go to where the lines are shortest and that how I decide what I eat. However the food choices aren't that great when you decide what you eat based on the shortest lines.
